Here I go again...

What have I got myself into??
So today was a long day doing promo for the swedish grand prix 2008 where I will perform a song together with my good friends the poodles. crazy, and i swor I wouldn´t do that again, hm, but we had a very fun day and didn´t take it very seriously at all, just the way it should be done.. Every reporter asked about what I thought about the competition of the artists in our group and I said the same thing everytime, - we´re only in it for the fun, let the best song win!

I´m just glad I will have some time to recover from all the work and partying with the "julgalan" before hell breaks lose in feb 2008. And typically me to catch a cold when i have to sing 4 days a week... prooosit and hugs dear friends!

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