
Yesterday was huge.. spectacular.. and great..
Just a great gig with alot of singing people in really good mood.. like the christmasshow is supposed to be.. the very foundation of the happening so to say.. and then we had a good evening out in Oslo.. This morning I tried to act like I just woke up when the housekeeper knocked on the door cuz we played too loud music in my room.. but he didnt fell for the lie so we invited him to the party instead.. very funny.. what started in a angry spirit soon turned in to a big laugh with the housekeper sippin on a glass of wine.. its nice people in norway.. and soon its time to get ready for the evening.. one more show in Oslo before the journey home tomorrow.. but the restaurant in radison plaza on the top floor is supposed to be one of the better in norway.. and I had a hard time getting the food down yesterday.. urghh.. black kod is my favourite fish in the world but they managed to put the poor sea creature on the toplist of the worst meals this year.. and the bill ended up to 666 norwegian kronors.. hehe.. so I wonder who cocked the food? Did he have a tail? Hopefully I see u on the show tonite otherwise I hope youll have a splendid saturday evening.. and maybe I have a lousy humor but the film tip today is Get smart with steve carell and anne hathaway and dvayne johnson ..
many hugs from me

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