Co-worker of the week..

A hungry swedish viking in norway.. Note that the apple juice in the front is one of the best drinking product of norway.. Yummie!
A hungry swedish viking in norway.. Note that the apple juice in the front is one of the best drinking product of norway.. Yummie!
Erik Stenhammar in action...
Hi there, hope u are fine.. so am I, this is Erik Stenhammar. He and manager Niklas has got the manager firm that I use to work with and before that Erik use to work at Universal and Polygram.. and I tell u.. he is an ace when it comes to do promotion.. Ive been working with him for at least 10 years.. he began this line of business when he was very young.. and now he travells with me when Niklas is infidel with some other artist somewhere else on the globe.. like last weekend when Erik went with me to Trondheim.. Erik is a great guy and one of the filthy few that I really prefer to work with when its time for a new release..and offcourse also on tour.. I just felt very strongly to tell u about this.. ;-) and more heartstopping news; today we started to build the bar in the basement.. a very important and fundamental place just outside the studio.. not just for lättöl but also for coffe breaks and for people to just hang around.. I will name the bar after a good friend and an old viking that I use to sail with many years ago.. a real caracter called Sigge.. a legend on the islands in lake Mälaren.. well there it is; Bar Sigge! or in swedish "Sigges Bar"! Sigge use to help me to watch over my dogs when Im away so he is quite some hero for me and the dogs.. the bar will also be a good spot to place all the strange items that I have picked up over the years on different viking markets and journeys.. pictures will soon be here on your daily start up page!? The dogs are great and I think slowly start to realise that this is the new home ..for many years I hope.. well have fun and many hugs

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